AboutAbout the Department - M.S.W. Social Work

Department of Social Work is offering a Post Graduate Course “Masters of Social Work (MSW) Programme from 2015 onwards with an objective of developing students into social work professionals and to become leaders in the Society.


To create a future leaders of the society with eclectic knowledge, skill, virtue who can help people to help themselves.


Creating an Environment Where Students Can Explore Their Hidden Talents Skills and Mould Their Personality into Professional Social Workers and Good Human beings in the Society

Our Main Objectives:

#To socialize students to the values and ethics of the profession of social work
# To address challenges, issues and problems of the community from the individual level
# To prepare students with the knowledge skills and commitment against injustice in all forms

The Department offers two Specializations:

1. Community Development & Empowerment (CD & E)
2. Medical and Psychiatry (M&P)


On the completion of the programme, the students will be able to:


Program Specific Outcome


Apply the social work methods, techniques and tools where ever applicable in the field and capable of working with rural, urban and tribal communities and implement, develop the various aspects of the community.


Do research and act as Social change agents and leaders, have good theoretical base on the importance of research in analyzing the problems, needs, and dynamics of the society; become the change agents of the society.


Imply Theoretical, Practical and Professional understanding of social work, Develop Leadership, Entrepreneurial and eclectic knowledge base among Social advocacy, lobbying and Policies. 


Plan, Implement and evaluate the Government Projects and CSR Projects.  Administrate, Manage, organize, mobilize utilize the available resources for the community Development and sustainability.


Equip the Multifarious skills of students to work among trans-cultural and multicultural fields of social work


 Analyze Statistical software tools, understand E Governance in the field of social work research  and welfare administration, involve in Tele counseling