AboutList of Faculty Profile - Computer Science

Shift – I

Sl. No.Name of the Teaching StaffDesignationSubjectProfile
1Dr. A. MuruganAssociate Prof. & HeadComputer ScienceView
2Dr. K. ShyamalaAssociate Prof. Computer ScienceView
3Dr. K. RadhakrishnanAssociate Prof.Computer ScienceView
4Ms. N. VanithaAsst. Prof.Computer ScienceView
5Ms. B. JayapradhaAsst. Prof.Computer ScienceView
6Dr. G. SekarAsst. Prof.Computer ScienceView
7Dr. S. Behin SamAssociate Prof.Computer ScienceView
8Mr. D. Krishna KumarAsst. Prof.Computer ScienceView

Shift – II

Sl. No.Name of the Teaching StaffDesignationSubjectProfile
1Mr. K. RajaGuest LecturerComputer ScienceView
2Mr. R. DhanachezhiyanGuest LecturerComputer ScienceView
3Mr. V. NaveenrajGuest LecturerComputer ScienceView
4Mrs. S. SaranyaGuest LecturerComputer ScienceView