AboutAbout the Department - Visual Communication

The department of visual communication established in the year 2013. The departments offers Undergraduate Course B.Sc Visual Communication with career oriented core subjects such as Drawing, Visual Design, Advertisement, Photography, Photo Journalism, Writing for media, Publication Design, Computer Graphics and Animation, Digital Film making and Television Production, Web-designing and Industrial Internship Training.


  • To fulfill the aspirations of the students coming from various background to provide high-quality education that instills media knowledge.
  • To inculcate skills that would enable students to thrive and excel in a professional environment; storytelling, creative thinking, innovation and critical thinking.
  • To nurture and train responsible students who would contribute to the development of society by creating ethical visual messages.
  • To ensure the dissemination of quality, affordable higher education to all learners.


  • Building students to become creative, critical and visual thinkers so as to enable them to analyze and apply media theories and audience analysis tools.
  • Equip them with professional skills to prepare them for the current trends and challenges faced in the profession.
  • Make Students become Entrepreneur through the skills learned in the course and become Job creators in the areas his chosen areas of Media Industry such as Advertising, Film Production, Graphics Arts etc. 



On the completion of the programme, the students will be able to:

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Program Specific Outcome


Demonstrate creative and visualization ability and able to learn practical skills in all the major domains of Media Communication and the specialized branch of Visual Communication.


Pursue higher education to extend and develop the knowledge gained in the

Undergraduate Visual Communication.


Function as a leader or Entrepreneur with sound moral and professional ethical values and apply the knowledge gained in the fields related to the broad spectrum of Media Communication as well as the specialized discipline of Visual Communication.


Show a passion for lifelong learning and self-learning and adapt to technological

Advancements in, Visual Communication.


Develop and prioritize effective interpersonal and communication skills to ensure quality Media Production Skills & Content as individuals or in a team.


Apply the knowledge and skills of Media Production, Communication to construct Social Harmony and community welfare through media content that provides pragmatic solutions to issues related to Social, Political, Cultural, and Development aspects of the nation.