AboutAbout the Department - Physics

Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College was established in the year 1973 in the North part of Chennai at Vyasarpadi in order to fulfill the educational needs . In the same year the Department of Physics was started to educate Allied students .  In the history of Physics department, a major milestone was reached in the academic year 2012-2013. The department rose to the level of a major department by offering B.Sc degree in Physics for both medium with a student strength of 24 in each medium.  At present the department is functioning with 12 Assistant Professors, One Guest Lecturer and One lab assistant. International Conference ICPAMM2020 was organised by the Department of Physics during January 30&31, 2020 and it is a credit to the college as it was the first international conference in the History of our Institution


To achieve excellence in higher education, empowerment through knowledge and sustainable development


To equip students with relevant knowledge and competence to face global challenges

To achieve innovations in teaching learning and extension activities


On completion of the programme, the students will be able to:

PSO1:       Demonstrate the basics of Physics theoretically and its role on nature based elements and also to provide hands on learning experience practically

PSO2:       Pursue higher studies leading to research programs

PSO3:       Function independently and to handle Problem Solving methodically and draw a logical    conclusion and to have the background to consider ethical and moral responsibilities 

PSO4:       Demonstrate skills of Physics for dissemination of scientific results

PSO5:       Develop interpersonal and communication skills to the best of their potential and to create a strong foundation for competing aptitude tests

PSO6:    Apply the knowledge of Physics to the Society and also to implement it to save the environment